RDBMs at scale & NoSQL

Andrei Arion, LesFurets.com, tp-bigdata@lesfurets.com


  1. Course info

  2. Scaling Relational Databases

  3. NoSQL databases

  4. TP: PostgreSQL

Andrei ARION

  • XML databases research, INRIA & UPS

  • software engineer/consultant

  • data engineering team, LesFurets.com


Ressources (Slides/TPs/VMs) : bit.ly/bigdata-telecomandreiarion.github.io


  • Independent insurance aggregator

  • OLTP (Runtime DB):

    • replicated MariaDB ⇒ DRBD ⇒ Galera Cluster

    • ⇒ Cassandra / Spark On Prem ⇒ GCP (Firestore, PubSub, CloudSQL, GCS, Dataflow)

  • OLAP (Analytics/BI DB):

    • MariaDB (snowflake Schema) ⇒ QlikView dashboard

    • ⇒ Spark/Zeppelin over MySQL/Cassandra: ad-hoc analyses & ETLs ⇒ GCP (BigQuery)

  • Infra: Hybrid On-PREM/AWS ⇒ GCS

Module Planning

Intro: Scalling Relational Databases + NoSQL | TP Docker
Cassandra Intro + Replication
Cassandra modeling (timeseries)
Apache Spark 1: Intro + RDD operations
Apache Spark 2: exploratory data analysis using Dataframes
BD Graph, Neo4J
MongoDB Intro + Data Modelling
MongoDB Application
Architectures Cloud @LesFurets + TP. DBT
Projet 1
Projet 2
Projet 3


How it may seem


Home readings



  1. Course info

  2. Scaling Relational Databases

    1. Scaling a simple application

    2. Scaling MySQL @LesFurets.com

  3. NoSQL databases

  4. TP PostgreSQL

Data: the new hope

Data: the new oil

The Economist May2017

Data: most common use

  • Web analytics applications

    • track the number of pageviews for each URL

    • what are the top 100 URLs

web analytics application

Simplest architecture

  • track the number of pageviews for each URL

  • what are the top 100 URLs

web analytics1


  • insert a pageview

  • update pageviews

  • top 100 URLs for a client

Insert pageviews

 INSERT INTO PageViews(app_id, URL, page_views) VALUES
 INSERT INTO PageViews(app_id, URL, page_views) VALUES
 INSERT INTO PageViews(app_id, URL, page_views) VALUES

Update pageviews

 UPDATE PageViews SET page_views = page_views + 1
 WHERE app_id="1" AND URL="http://www.lesfurets.com/index.html";

Top 100 URLs for a client

SELECT URL,page_views FROM PageViews
WHERE app_id = '1'
ORDER BY page_views DESC LIMIT 100

Production load

pic charge



Timeout error on updating the database

Fix#1: queuing + batching


Fix#1: implications

  • Modify the application ⇒ batch 100 queries

  • Latency / queue size

  • handle DB/queue failures ⇒ persistent queuing with event logging

  • cannot accommodate high load

Fix#2: Sharding (horizontal table partitioning)

  • Spread the load

    • use multiple database servers

    • spread the PageView table across the servers

    • mapping keys to shards using a hash function

Fix#2 Sharding


Fix#2: Sharding implications

  • distribute the keys to the new servers

  • write to the "right" DB instance

  • aggregate data from all the shards !

  • Sharding more and more

    • new shards to follow the load

    • repeat the last steps

Fix#2 Sharding

  • Server failures are more likely

    • WRITES: use a pending queue flushed less frequently

    • READS: a portion of the data is unavailable

      • replication

Fix#3 Replication

inc replication

Human failures

Distribution (hash function) = %3

  • Data written to the wrong shards

    • redistribute data to the right shard

    • while still accepting queries ?!

Human failures

Increments the number of pageviews + 2

 UPDATE PageView SET page_views = page_views + 2
 WHERE user_id='42' AND URL='myurl';

Human failures

 UPDATE PageView SET page_views = page_views + 2
 WHERE user_id='42' AND URL='myurl';

Human failures

  • event logging


Human failures

  • Incremental data model


Incremental data model

  • data corruption ⇒ hard to correct (!)

  • contention ⇒ locking ⇒ bad performance

Human failures

  • Incremental data model ⇒ immutable data model


What went wrong?

  • do I build new features for customers?

  • or just dealing with reading/writing the data?

What went wrong?

  • A single server cannot take the load ⇒ solution / complexity

    1. distributed storage

    2. querying distributed data

    3. built a data model that is not resilient

Wishlist 1 : Storage

  • Better storage:

    • easy to add/remove nodes (scaling)

    • transparent data distribution (auto-sharding)

    • handle failures (auto-replication)

Distributed databases: Redis, Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, CouchDB, …​

Wishlist 2 : Queries

  • General purpose (distributed) computing:

    • distributed queries + parallel processing

Distributed data processing engines : MapReduce, Spark

Wishlist 3 : Data model

  • We want a resilient data model:

    • human error is unavoidable

    • an incremental data model is not resilient

Immutability, Functional Data Engineering


  1. Course info

  2. From SQL to NoSQL

    1. Scaling a simple application

    2. Scaling MySQL @LesFurets.com

  3. NoSql databases

  4. TP PostgreSQL

RDBMS: the good parts

  • simple model with sound mathematical properties (ACID)

Integration databaseApplication database

consistent data set

changes need to be coordinated → side effects

easier to maintain/evolve/scale

standard interfaces between systems (SOA)

"Classical" RDBMS Architecture

lf current architecture

"Classical" RDBMS Architecture concerns

lf current architecture problems

LesFurets Data characteristics

  • few updates

  • few synchronous queries

  • applicative caches

Why replicate?

  • scale out

  • data security

  • segregate workload (writes on master/ analytics on slaves)

  • data distribution

  • backups

  • restore in a point in time (delayed replication)

MySQL scale-out


MySQL replication properties

  • 1 Master ⇒ n Slaves

  • Application transparent

  • Full replication: the full dataset is replicated on every node

  • LOG-based replication

MySQL basic replication

  • Master

    • log changes (events) on a bin-log

    • apply changes

  • Slave(s)

    • retrieve events from the master and copy to local binlog (relay log)

    • replay the events

MySQL replication: binlog


MySQL replication: master configuration

server-id               = 1
log_bin                 = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
binlog_do_db            = database_name


-- backup: myslqdump/dumper, innobackupex/xtrabackup

MySQL replication: slave configuration

-- restore backup

server-id               = 2
relay-log               = /var/log/mysql/mysql-relay-bin.log
log_bin                 = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
binlog_do_db            = database_name

MySQL replication: slave configuration





MySQL replication

  • one-way M→S replication

    • single threaded/multi-threaded (5.6+ 1 worker thread per database/slave)

    • asynchronous : wait until change recorded (in local binlog)

    • semi-synchronous : wait until one Slave ack received and stored event!)

What is replicated?

  • SBR (statement based replication)

  • RBR (row base replication)

  • Mixed (choose by event size for every transaction)


  • send queries to the slave

  • not all queries are safe for replication (!)



  • send all modified rows to the slave

  • safer but costly

  • 5.6+ optimizations (ignore blobs, increment, hashing..)


  • Mixed (choose by event size for every transaction)

Semi-synchronous replication

  • since 5.6+

  • log SERVER_ID+TxID in a regular table

    • master blocks after the commit and waits until one semisynchronous slave acknowledges that it has received all events for the transaction or timeout

    • slave acknowledges receipt of a transaction’s events only after the events have been written to its relay log

  • temporary switch to async-replication if no ACK from the slave !

  • guarantees consistency between master and slave

    • as long as all transactions committed on the master have also been applied on a slave

Crash recovery (M)

  • manually promote a slave as a new master (<5.6)

  • automatic slave promotion via mysqlfailover (5.6+)

Scaling Writes

  • MySQL Fabric

    • set of tools to manage MySQL servers in a replicated GTID environment

    • automatic sharding and HA

  • Multi-master replication

    • Galera Cluster

Galera Cluster

  • multi-master: R/W at any node

  • synchronous* replication by Certification Based Replication Method

  • Easy migration from MySQL

    • combine with MySQL binlog replication

    • automatic node provisioning (XtraBackup)

    • transparent to applications

LF MariaDB Galera Cluster

  • relaxed ACID

  • wsrep_sync_wait - ensures sync before:




  • Benefits:

    • configurable consistency

    • recover from failures (typical < 1s)

    • optimize replication lag (typical < 10ms)

Scaling MySQL @LF

  • Scaling is expensive:

    • scaling writes → locking + partitioning (sharding)

    • scaling reads → replication (latency, error recovery)

  • Master/Slave replication:

    • network partitions and split brain

    • slowly diverging Master/Slave, not automatic check/resynchronisation

    • problematic when failover switch

  • Multi-master ( Galera ): 6 years of incident free operation

  • Table size limits ⇒ "ALTER TABLE" problem


  1. Course info

  2. Scaling MySQL @LesFurets.com

  3. From SQL to NoSQL

  4. TP PostgreSQL

SQL models tuples and joins


Modeling complex data


Relational vs Document/Objects

  • Relational model: relations / tuples + normalization

  • Memory: rich data structures !

impedance missmatch

Relational vs Document/Objects

  • Memory - object graphs

    • complex mapping from object to relations → ORMs

    • leads to performance issues

      • many rows/tables/JOINS

  • Schema evolution:

    • adding an attribute → adding a whole column

    • expensive locks → application downtime

Not only SQL

  • 2009, Johan Oskarson, #NoSQL meetup for distributed, open-source, non-relational databases

    • not using relational model SQL

    • run on clusters

    • ACID ⇒ tunable consistency

    • fixed schema ⇒ flexible schema

    • polyglot persistance

NoSQL models agregates

  • collection of related objects that should be treated as a unit (consistency / data management)


Modelling SQL vs NoSQL

  • SQL: model first

    • 1 model used for all queries

  • NoSQL: query first

    • 1 data access pattern for each aggregate

NoSQL aggregate types ⇒ APIs

  1. Key-value databases

  2. Document-oriented databases

  3. Column-oriented databases

  4. Graph databases

Key-value databases

  • Store and retrieve Blobs based on a primary Key

  • Simplest API that matches REST : PUT/GET/DELETE

Map (K → V)

Use case: Session information, user profiles, ...

Document oriented databases

  • Stores and retrieves documents/fragments (XML, JSON…​):

    • self-describing, hierarchical tree data structures

    • maps, collections and scalar values

Key-value stores where the value is queryable

Use case:  CMS, Product catalog, ...

Column oriented databases

  • Stores data in tables/column families as rows that have many columns associated to a row key

Map of maps (rowId → (columnName → columnValue))

columnar databases
Use cases: Time series, event logging, ...

Graph databases

  • Stores entities and relations between entities

  • Query: traversal of the graph

graph databases

Use cases: Social networks, recommendation engines

Choosing a storage solution:

  • business requirements

  • tehnical aspects

  • human / organisational

  • tradeoffs

Business requirements

  1. Ingest (application/batch/streaming data)

  2. Store

    • how the data is accessed (file vs row vs aggregation of columns)

    • access controls (schema/database)

    • how long the data is accessed (RAM/SSD/bucket/nearline/cold)

  3. Process and analyze : cleaning, normalizing,sumarysation

  4. Vizualize and explore

Technical aspects

  • volume and velocity

  • variation in structure (schema vs schemaless)

    • structured (transactional vs analytics)

    • semi-structured (fully indexed vs row key access)

    • unstructured (files/blobs)

  • data access patterns (agregats)

  • security requirements (audit, logging)

Other aspects

  • human / organisational aspects :

    • team structure and abilities

    • entreprise culture (building software vs using software)

  • cost and evolution, vendor lock-in …​

Simple decision tree

dot example


  • Performance:

    • Hadoop: large scale batch computation but high latency

    • Cassandra: low latency, fin grain storage but limited data model

  • Consistency: ACID ⇒ tunable/eventual consistency (CAP)

  • Model:

    • Incremental architectures ⇒ human failures

Polyglot persistance

  • aggregates have different requirements (availability/consistance/backup)

  • Mix and match relational and non-relational storage


Cloud architecture @LesFurets

lf cloud architecture


  1. Course info

  2. Scaling MySQL @LesFurets.com

  3. From SQL to NoSQL

  4. TP PostgreSQL

SQL in 2022 ?

  • MapReduce: A major step backwards? (2008)

    • MapReduce is difficult to integrate with other DBMS tools (BI, Reporting tools..)

      • High-level, declarative language ⇒ simpler to use

      • Schemas are good

      • Separation of the schema from the application is good

SQL in 2022 ?

sql narrow waist

SQL in 2022 - Massively Parallel Processing

  • massive relational SQL clusters

    • separate compute and storage

  • fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud

  • (Bigquery, Redshift, Snowflake)

SQL in 2022 - ML in SQL

bigquery ml

SQL in 2022 - SQL analytics-as-code

  • Dwh pipelines shift: ETL to ELT

  • dbt logo light DBT does the T in ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes

    • write transformations as queries and orchestrate them

      • transform data where it lives

      • using plain SQL SELECT

    • infer dependency graphs and run transformation models in order ⇒ pipeline automation

Why PostgreSQL?

  • PostgreSQL

    • 1974: INtelligent Graphic RElational System, Michael Stonebraker (Berkeley University)

    • 1985: POSTinGRES then PostgreSQL (1995)

  • Features

    • easy to extend/customize : data types (JSONB, Arrays, Cube), operators, UDF (Python, Ruby, R, Javascript…​)

    • Foreign Data Wrappers: map an external DBs to tables ⇒ strong ACID properties @scale

PostgreSQL offsprings

timeline postgresql

PostgreSQL features

  • PostGIS - advanced geospatial database

  • Rich indexes: Gin/GIST/KNN/Sp-GIST

  • natural-language processing

  • multidimensional indexing

  • TP ⇒ PostgreSQL & extensions (tablefunc,dict_xsyn, fuzzystrmatch, pg_trgm, cube)

Apache Superset: business intelligence web application

superset dashboard

Apache Superset: RDBMS support

superset databases

Installation de l’environnement pour le TP

Configuration d’un reseau host-only via Virtualbox

  1. Démarrez l’application Virtualbox

  2. Verifiez/creez un réseau host-only vboxnet0 ("File/Host network Manager" …​)


Configuration d’un reseau host-only via VBoxManage

  • Si vous avez rencontré des difficultes a l’etape precedente vous pouvez creer l’interface en ligne de commande:

VBoxManage hostonlyif create
VBoxManage hostonlyif ipconfig vboxnet0 --ip
VBoxManage dhcpserver add --ifname vboxnet0 --ip\
           -netmask --lowerip\
VBoxManage dhcpserver modify --ifname vboxnet0 --enable

Telecharger la VM pour le tp

Importer la VM

File/Import appliance …​

import vm

Demarer la VM

  • via le button Run/Start et noter l’URL pour acceder a Superset

start vm

Si votre vm ne demarre pas ou vous n’avez pas de IP, vous pouvez essayer quelques workarounds ici

Connectez vous a Superset via votre navigateur

Username: admin Password: bigdatafuret

superset login

Ouvrez le SQLEditor

superset sql editor

Dans le SQLEditor lancez une requete

Tester la requete _SELECT * FROM MOVIES_ (dans la Database Movies/ Schema: public.
Si vous avez eu des résultats, l'installation s'est bien passe, felicitations !
superset sql editor2

TP1: PostgreSQL Recherche et recommandation (1h)

  • Objectifs:

    • prise en main de l’environnment de TP basé sur VirtualBOX

    • écrire des requêtes SQL

      • recherche: textuelle, approximative, phonétique

      • moteur de recommandation très basique

Recherche et recommandation

Moteur de recherche et recommandation des films:

  • recherche: textuelle, approximative, phonétique

  • recherche de type graph

  • moteur de recommandation très basique

Schéma (déjà créé)

        name text UNIQUE,
        position integer
        movie_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        title text,
        genre cube
        actor_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        name text

CREATE TABLE movies_actors (
        movie_id integer REFERENCES movies NOT NULL,
        actor_id integer REFERENCES actors NOT NULL,
        UNIQUE (movie_id, actor_id)
CREATE INDEX movies_actors_movie_id ON movies_actors (movie_id);
CREATE INDEX movies_actors_actor_id ON movies_actors (actor_id);
CREATE INDEX movies_genres_cube ON movies USING gist (genre);


  • Recherche exacte / pattern matching

  • Distance de Levenshtein → typos simples

  • N-gram/similarité → trouver les erreurs modérées

  • Full text match @@ → similarité grammaticale

  • Métaphone → similarité phonétique

Recherche textuelle/patterns

Utilisez les opérateurs LIKE ou RegEX pour les requêtes suivantes:

  1. Tous les films qui ont le mot stardust dans leur nom.

  2. Compter tous les films dont le titre ne commence pas par le mot the

  3. Tous les films qui ont le mot war dans le titre mais pas en dernière position

Distance Levenshtein

distance levenshtein
  • Opérations: Substitute, Insert, Delete

  • Distance Levenshtein : nb minimal d’opérations

Distance Levenshtein

Utilisez les fonctions du package fuzzystrgmatch pour trouver :

  1. La distance levenshtein entre les mots execution et intention

  2. Tous les films qui sont a une distance levenshtein inférieure a 9 de la chaine suivante: a hard day nght


n gram

N-gram, similarity search (%)

Écrivez les requêtes pour trouver :

  1. Tous les tri-grammes du mot Avatar

  2. La similarité entre VOTKA et VODKA

  3. Tous les films dont le titre est similaire a plus de 0.1% du titre Avatar .

Full text search

SELECT to_tsvector('A Hard Day''s Night'),
     to_tsquery('english', 'night & day');

       to_tsvector         |   to_tsquery
'day':3 'hard':2 'night':5 | 'night' & 'day'
  • tsvector : lexèmes :position

  • tsquery : lexèmes séparées par &

  • spécifique au language !

Full text search

SELECT title
FROM movies
WHERE to_tsvector(title) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'night & day');
SELECT title
FROM movies
WHERE title @@ 'night & day';

A Hard Day’s Night
Six Days Seven Nights
Long Day’s Journey Into Night

Recherche phonétique

  • plusieurs fonctions pour la codification phonétique des mots

SELECT name, dmetaphone(name), dmetaphone_alt(name),
  metaphone(name, 8), soundex(name)
FROM actors;

     name      | dmetaphone | dmetaphone_alt | metaphone | soundex
50 Cent        | SNT        | SNT            | SNT       | C530
Aaron Eckhart  | ARNK       | ARNK           | ARNKHRT   | A652
Agatha Hurle   | AK0R       | AKTR           | AK0HRL    | A236

Recherche phonétique

  1. Trouver les films qui ont des acteurs dont les noms se prononcent pareil.

  2. Trouver les acteurs avec un nom similaire a Robin Wiliams, triés par similarité (combiner %, metaphone et levenshtein):

 actor_id | name
     4093 | Robin Williams
     2442 | John Williams
     4479 | Steven Williams
     4090 | Robin Shou

Recherche "graph"

  • Trouvez le graph des acteurs connectees a Tom Hanks (ont deja joue dans un film avec l’acteur ou bien il y a un chemin films/acteurs qui mene a l’acteur)

Hint: vous pouvez utiliser les Common Table Expressions


Recherche multi-dimensionnelle

        movie_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
        title text,
        genre cube (1)

INSERT INTO movies (movie_id,title,genre) VALUES
(1,'Star Wars',
'(0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0)') (2)
  • on utilise le type cube <1> pour mapper les notes sur un vecteur n-dimensionnel de valeurs (= score du film <2>)

Recherche multi-dimensionnelle

  • les noms pour les dimensions sont définis dans la table genres

	name text UNIQUE,
	position integer

INSERT INTO genres (name,position) VALUES

Recherche multi-dimensionnelle

Utiliser le module cube pour recommander des filmes similaires (du même genre)

  • Afficher les notes du film Star Wars

  • Quelle est la note du film Star Wars dans la catégorie 'Animation'

  • Afficher les films avec les meilleurs notes dans la catégorie SciFi

Recherche multi-dimensionnelle

  • Afficher les films similaires (cube_distance) a Star Wars (vecteur = (0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0) ) du plus similaire au moins similaire

                    title                      |       dist
Star Wars                                      |                0
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back |                2
Avatar                                         |                5
Explorers                                      | 5.74456264653803
Krull                                          | 6.48074069840786
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial                     | 7.61577310586391
  • Écrivez une requête pour trouver les films qui sont a moins de 5 points de différence sur chaque dimension (utiliser cube_enlarge et @> ).

Troubleshoot VM freeze

  • VM hangs at *Loading initial ramdisk …​ *

  • check VM type ⇒ Version Ubuntu(64 git)

virtualbox freeze

Troubleshoot no IP

  • check DHCP settings

virtualbox noip

Troubleshoot no IP

  • try to re-create the vboxnet0 interface via cmdline

    • poweroff VM

    • re-create the network interface:

VBoxManage hostonlyif create remove vboxnet0
VBoxManage hostonlyif create
VBoxManage hostonlyif ipconfig vboxnet0 --ip
VBoxManage dhcpserver add --ifname vboxnet0 --ip\
           -netmask --lowerip\
VBoxManage dhcpserver modify --ifname vboxnet0 --enable
  • restart VM

Installation en détail

dnf install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-contrib (1)
postgresql-setup initdb (2)

systemctl start postgresql.service (3)

yum install pgadmin3   (4)

CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc; (5)
CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
1Installation du client/serveur/extensions suplementaires
2Initialisation de la base
3Démarrage du serveur
4Front-end requetage
5Installation des extensions Verifier les extensions installees

Create index

CREATE INDEX  [ nom ] ON table [ USING method ]
    ( { colonne | ( expression ) } [ classeop ]  ... )
  • method: btree/hash/gin/gist

  • classeop : operator class that can use the index






Multi - Master replication with DRBD

scaleout drbd

DRBD mirroring

  • mirroring a linux partition over IP (sync/async)

overview drbd


  • heartbeat protocol monitors failures

  • triggers service switch via IPFOs

ha drbd

DRBD recovery

  • node(s) outage

    • background sync (most up-to date node if both were down)

  • replication network outage

    • automatic recovery

  • storage subsystem

    • mostly transparent

  • network partition

    • split brain! both nodes switched to the primary role while disconnected

    • Manual intervention needed

Transition to NoSQL

  • NoSQL patterns: Lambda architecture

    • scalable systems

    • for arbitrary data problems

    • with human fault tolerance

    • and minimum complexity

Lambda architecture

lambda architecture

Lambda architecture @LesFurets

lf lambda architecture

Lambda architecture @LesFurets

lf lambda architecture benefits