Introduction to Apache Spark

Andrei Arion,,


  1. Context: Distributed programming

  2. Spark data model

  3. Spark programming

  4. Spark execution model

  5. Spark cluster

  6. Spark ecosystem


  • Distributed programming models

    • Data flow models (MapReduce, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Beam, Google Dataflow)

Scale-Up / Scale-Out

scale Up scale Out
  • Scale-Up: "single powerfull computer"($$$)

  • Scale-Out: network of commodity hardware

Distributed programming

  • unreliable network

  • hardware/software failures

  • synchronous ⇒ asynchronous

  • consistency and ordering are expensive

  • time

(Distributed) Databases vs Distributed programming

  • Databases: used as a shared ressource

    • data persistence

    • standardized access to data (API / query language)

    • guaranteed properties (CAP) via sharding and replication

  • Distributed programming:

    • express general computation

    • pipelines of tasks

Databases vs Distributed programming

  • More and more difficult to distinguish between them !

  • Distributed Databases:

    • User Defines Types, User Defined Functions, MapReduce support

  • Distributed programming frameworks:

    • SQL like access (SparkSQL, Dataframes on top of RDDs), DSLs as query languages, DB inspired optimizations

    • Data persistence, partitioning and replication (MEMORY_ONLY_2)

Distributed programming models


Shared Memory / Shared Nothing

  • Von Neuman architectureinstructions executed sequentially by a worker (CPU) and data does not move

  • Shared Memory

    • multiple workers (CPU/Cores) executing computations in parallel

    • use locks, semaphores and monitors to synchronise access to the shared memory

  • Shared Nothing: Divide&Conquer (ForkJoin/ScatterGather)

    • distribute data

    • distribute the computations ( the code)

    • launch and manage parallel computations

    • collect results

Shared Nothing hegemony

Since 2006, no Shared-Memory system in the first 10 places on TOP500


Share Nothing Architectures

  1. Message Passing (MPI, Actors, CSP)

  2. DataFlow systems

Share Nothing Architectures → Message Passing

Computing grid : MPI (message passing interface) (1993-2012)

  • launch the same code on multiple nodes

 mpirun -np 4 simple1
  // determining who am I
  int myrank;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank); (1)
  // determining who are they :
  int nprocs;
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);  (2)
  // sending messages
  MPI_Send(buffer, count, datatype, destination, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); (3)
  //receiving Messages
  MPI_Recv(buffer, maxcount, datatype, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); (4)

"Traditional" distributed programming

  • Low level

    • manual data decomposition

    • manual load balancing

  • difficult to do at scale:

    • how to efficiently split data/code across nodes?

      • must consider network & data locality

    • how to deal with failures? (inevitable at scale)

The Present: Data flow models

Restrict the programming interface so that the system can do more automatically

  • Express jobs as graphs of high-level operators

    • System picks how to split each operator into tasks and where to run each task

    • Tasks executed on workers as soon as soon as input available

Data flow models: Map-Reduce

map reduce step

Map Reduce: strong points

  • Simple programming model

    • High-level functions instead of message passing

  • Scalability to very largest clusters

    • very good performance for simple jobs (one pass algorithms)

      • Run parts twice fault recovery

Map Reduce iterations

map reduce iterations1

Map Reduce iterations

map reduce iterations2

Map Reduce: weak points:

  • not apropriate for multi-pass /iterative algorithms

    • no efficient primitives for data sharing

    • state between steps goes to distributed file system

  • cumbersome to write

Apache Spark

spark timeline

Spark code size (2015)

spark code size

Spark project activity (2015)

spark project activity

Spark contributors

spark contributors

Apache Spark: general dataflow model

  • express general computations in a DAG form

  • using a simple distributed list paradigm


Spark vs MapReduce

  • Performance:

    • RDDs in memory Resilient Distributed Datasets

    • custom caching on nodes

    • lazy evaluation of the lineage graph ⇒ reduces wait states, better pipelining

    • generational differences in hardware ⇒ off-heap use of large memory spaces

    • lower overhead for starting jobs / less expensive shuffles

  • Expressiveness:

    • generalized patterns ⇒ unified engine for many use cases

    • functional programming ⇒ maintenance cost for large apps

Performance: 3X faster using 10X fewer machines

Performance vs cost


  1. Context: Distributed programming

  2. Spark data model

    1. RDDs

  3. Spark execution model

  4. Spark cluster

  5. Spark ecosystem

Spark Idea

Distributed programming should be no different than standard programming

val data = 1 to 1000
val filteredData= data.filter( _%2==0)

Spark Idea

Distributed programming should be no different than standard programming

val data = 1 to 1000
val filteredData = sc.parallelize(data).filter(_%2==0) (1) (2)
filteredData.collect (3)
1distribute data to nodes
2distributed filtering
3collect the result from nodes

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)

  • Collections of objects across a cluster with user controlled partitioning & storage (memory, disk, …​)

Building RDDs

  • Built via :

    • paralelization of data (sc.parallelize)

    • reading from parallel data sources (hdfs, s3, Cassandra)

    • parallel transformations of other RDDs(map, filter, …)

  • Automatically rebuilt on failure (lineage)

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)


Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)

RDDs failure


  1. Distributed programming

  2. Spark data model

  3. Spark programming

  4. Spark execution model

  5. Spark ecosystem: SparkSQL et Cassandra

First program in Spark

val data = 1 to 1000 (1)
val firstRDD = sc.parallelize(data) (2)
val secondRDD = firstRDD.filter( _ < 10) (3)
secondRDD.collect (4)

First program in Spark

val data = 1 to 1000 (1)
1Local data generation

First program in Spark

val firstRDD = sc.parallelize(data) (1)
def parallelize[T](seq: Seq[T], numSlices: Int): rdd.RDD[T]

First program in Spark

  • (distributed) filtering

val secondRDD = firstRDD.filter( _ < 10)

First program in Spark

  • collect the results

secondRDD.collect (4)

Spark Word Count

val input = sc.textFile("s3://...") (1)
val words = input.flatMap(x => x.split(" ")) (2)
val result = => (x, 1))(3)
                  .reduceByKey((x, y) => x + y) (4)
1construit un input RDD pour lire le contenu d’un fichier depuis AWS S3
2transformer le RDD input pour construir un RDD qui contient tous les mots du fichier
3construit un RDD qui contient des paires (mots,1)
4construit un RDD qui fait le comptage des occurences

Spark Word Count - optimisation

val input = sc.textFile("s3://...") (1)
val result = lines.flatMap(x => x.split(" ")).countByValue() (2)
1construit un input RDD pour lire le contenu d’un fichier depuis AWS S3
2utilisation de countByValue

Spark programming in 3 steps

Create RDDs

  • Parallelize: sc.parallelize(Array)

  • Reading from file/HDFS/S3: sc.textFile(FileURL)

Transform RDDs

Transform RDDs






  1. Context: Distributed programming

  2. Spark data model

  3. Spark programming

  4. Spark execution model

  5. Spark ecosystem

Spark Cluster Architecture

cluster diagram

Follow execution in SparkUI (1)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)

(1) DRIVER: generate a sequence of numbers

Follow execution in SparkUI (2)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)

(2) DRIVER: define a RDD by parallelizing local data

Follow execution in SparkUI (3)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)

(3) DRIVER: define another RDD that contains the filtered data

Follow execution in SparkUI (4)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)
val sortedData = filteredData.sortBy( (x:Int) => - x ) (4)

(4) DRIVER: define another RDD that contains sorted data

Follow execution in SparkUI (5)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)
val sortedData = filteredData.sortBy( (x:Int) => - x ) (4)
val groupedData = sortedData.groupBy( (x:Int)=> x%3) (5)

(5) DRIVER: define another RDD that contains groupped data

Follow execution in SparkUI (5)

execution step1

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)
val sortedData = filteredData.sortBy( (x:Int) => - x ) (4)
val groupedData = sortedData.groupBy( (x:Int)=> x%3) (5)
groupedData.collect (6)


  • An action invoked on a RDD (sortBy) ⇒ starts the distributed computation:

    • DRIVER: sends a JOB to the MASTER (DAG + data)

    • MASTER: partition the data, calculate the pysical plan (Stages/) and sends tasks to the WORKERS

    • WORKERs: execute tasks and return to the MASTER

    • MASTER sends the response back to the DRIVER

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

execution step2

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

execution step3

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

execution step4


  1. Context: Distributed programming

  2. Spark data model

  3. Spark programming

  4. Spark execution model

  5. Spark ecosystem


  • storing general objects in relational like tables

  • provide a SQL like interface for querying

SparkSQL example

val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) (1)

case class Person(name: String, age: Int) (2)

val people = sc.textFile("persons.txt")
            .map(p => Person(p(0), p(1).trim.toInt)
            .toDF (3)

people.createOrReplaceTempView("people") (4)

val teenagers = sql("""
        SELECT * from people
        WHERE age < 15
        """) (5) (6)

Cassandra and Spark

spark cassandra

Cassandra and Spark example

  CassandraConnector(conf).withSessionDo { session =>
        WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }""")
    session.execute(s"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo.wordcount (word TEXT PRIMARY KEY, count COUNTER)")

    .map(word => (word.toLowerCase, 1))
    .reduceByKey(_ + _)
    .saveToCassandra("demo", "wordcount")

  // print out the data saved from Spark to Cassandra
  sc.cassandraTable("demo", "wordcount")

TP Spark: RDDs on sparkShell

Spark Dataframes & Datasets


  1. RDD execution review

  2. Best practices

  3. Dataframes & Dataset API

  4. Spark notebooks

  5. TP2 Data exploration with the Dataframe API

Spark Cluster Architecture

cluster diagram

Follow execution in SparkUI (1)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)

(1) DRIVER: generate a sequence of numbers

Follow execution in SparkUI (2)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)

(2) DRIVER: define a RDD by parallelizing local data

Follow execution in SparkUI (3)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)

(3) DRIVER: define another RDD that contains the filtered data

Follow execution in SparkUI (4)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)
val sortedData = filteredData.sortBy( (x:Int) => - x ) (4)

(4) DRIVER: define another RDD that contains sorted data

Follow execution in SparkUI (5)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)
val sortedData = filteredData.sortBy( (x:Int) => - x ) (4)
val groupedData = sortedData.groupBy( (x:Int)=> x%3) (5)

(5) DRIVER: define another RDD that contains groupped data

Follow execution in SparkUI (5)

execution step1

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

val data = 1 to 1000   (1)
val parallelizedData = sc.parallelize(data)  (2)
val filteredData = parallelizedData.filter(_%2==0)  (3)
val sortedData = filteredData.sortBy( (x:Int) => - x ) (4)
val groupedData = sortedData.groupBy( (x:Int)=> x%3) (5)
groupedData.collect (6)


  • An action invoked on a RDD (sortBy) ⇒ starts the distributed computation:

    • DRIVER: sends a JOB to the MASTER (DAG + data)

    • MASTER: partition the data, calculate the pysical plan (Stages/) and sends tasks to the WORKERS

    • WORKERs: execute tasks and return to the MASTER

    • MASTER sends the response back to the DRIVER

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

execution step2

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

execution step3

Follow execution in SparkUI (6)

execution step4

RDD review

  • construct a RDD ( parallelize/ read from distributed datasources)

  • transformations ⇒ DAG (lazy)

    • map, filter, flatMap, mapPartitions, mapPartitionsWithIndex, sample, union, intersection, distinct, groupByKey, reduceByKey, sortByKey, join, cogroup, repatition, cartesian, glom, …​

  • actions ⇒ execute DAG + retrieve result on the DRIVER

    • reduce, collect, count, first, take, foreach, saveAs…, min, max, …​

Cassandra and Spark

spark cassandra

Spark Cluster Architecture

cluster diagram

Cassandra and Spark example

  CassandraConnector(conf).withSessionDo { session =>
        WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }""")
    session.execute(s"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo.wordcount (word TEXT PRIMARY KEY, count COUNTER)")

    .map(word => (word.toLowerCase, 1))
    .reduceByKey(_ + _)
    .saveToCassandra("demo", "wordcount")

  // print out the data saved from Spark to Cassandra
  sc.cassandraTable("demo", "wordcount")


  1. RDD execution review

  2. Best practices

  3. Dataframes & Dataset API

  4. Spark notebooks

  5. TP2 Data exploration with the Dataframe API

Use ReduceByKey over GroupByKey

val words = Array("one", "two", "two", "three", "three", "three")
val wordPairsRDD = sc.parallelize(words).map(word => (word, 1))

val wordCountsWithReduce = wordPairsRDD
  .reduceByKey(_ + _)

val wordCountsWithGroup = wordPairsRDD
  .map(t => (t._1, t._2.sum))
  • groupByKey - all the key-value pairs are shuffled around

  • reduceByKey - combine output with a common key on each partition before shuffling the data.


var counter = 0
var rdd = sc.parallelize(data)

// Wrong: Don't do this!!
rdd.foreach(x => counter += x)

println("Counter value: " + counter)

Spark Cluster Architecture

cluster diagram

Spark execution modes

  • Local: run locally with as many worker threads as logical cores

./bin/spark-shell --master local[*]
  • Standalone

./bin/spark-shell --master spark://HOST1:PORT1
./bin/spark-shell --master spark://HOST1:PORT1,HOST2:PORT2
  • Cluster mode (Mesos, Yarn, Kubernetes)

./bin/spark-shell --master mesos://HOST:PORT
./bin/spark-shell --master yarn
./bin/spark-shell --master k8s://HOST:PORT


  • Closure = variables and methods which must be visible for the executor (context)

    1. Spark computes the task’s closure before execution

    2. The closure is serialized and sent to each executor

      • the counter in the memory of the driver node but this is no longer visible to the executors

      • the executors only see the copy from the serialized closure

    3. Result ⇒ counter=0 (or something else if local[*])

Data serialization

  • convenience (work with any Java type) VS performance

  • Java serialization [default]: works with any class you create that implements

    • flexible but often quite slow, and leads to large serialized formats for many classes

  • Kryo serialization: significantly faster and more compact (10x)

    • does not support all Serializable types, requires you to register the classes you’ll use in the program in advance for best performance

val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster(...).setAppName(...)
conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
conf.registerKryoClasses(Array(classOf[MyClass1], classOf[MyClass2]))
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

Task not serializable Exception (1)

var myClass = new NonSerializableClass()

var rdd = sc.parallelize(data)

// Wrong: Don't do this!!
rdd.foreach( ... myClass ...)

Task not serializable Exception (2)

var myClass = new NonSerializableClass()

var rdd = sc.parallelize(data)

// Wrong: Don't do this!!
rdd.foreach( ... myClass ...)
  • use only serializable classes in closures

Task not serializable Exception (3)

object AwsClient{
    val s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(AWS_ID, AWS_KEY))

sampleDF.foreach( r=> {
            AwsClient.s3.putObject(... ,... ,... )
  • or you can just wrap it in an object to make it available at the worker side

Shared variables: Accumulators and Brodcast variables

  • closures - should not be used to mutate some global state

  • accumulators ⇒ mechanism for safely updating a variable

scala> val accum = sc.longAccumulator("My Accumulator")
accum: org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator = LongAccumulator(id: 0, name: Some(My Accumulator), value: 0)
scala> sc.parallelize(Array(1, 2, 3, 4)).foreach(x => accum.add(x))
scala> accum.value
res2: Long = 10
  • broadcast variables ⇒ give every node a copy of a large input dataset (efficient manner)

scala> val broadcastVar = sc.broadcast(Array(1, 2, 3))
broadcastVar: org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast[Array[Int]] = Broadcast(0)

scala> broadcastVar.value
res0: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)

Brodcast variables:

spark brodcast

Test on cluster mode !

  • most of the problems do not appear in local mode (serialization, classloading, network issue)

  • something that works well in a small dataset hangs forever in production

  • test early in cluster mode

Tuning Apache Spark

  • collect

  • caching

  • parallelism level / partitioning

  • shuffles

Avoid collect

  • collect ⇒ often OutOfMemoryError trying to load results back to driver

    • not only collect(): averageByKey(), collectByKey(), …​

  • alternatives: count() before collect or sample

Caching levels

spark cache level

Decide caching level

  1. If your RDDs fit in RAM ⇒ MEMORY_ONLY

  2. If not ⇒ try MEMORY_ONLY_SER + a fast serialization library

  3. DISK? ⇒ unless the DAG is expensive to compute or filters a large amount of the data !

  4. Replicated storage levels? ⇒ fast fault recovery (e.g. using Spark to serve requests from a web application).

    1. all the storage levels provide full fault tolerance by recomputing lost data !

    2. the replicated ones let you continue running tasks on the RDD without waiting to recompute a lost partition.

Parallelism level / partitioning (1)

  • Goal: fully utilize ressources while minimizing waits and recompute lost partitions

emr monitoring

Parallelism level

  • Spark automatically sets the number of “map” tasks to run on each file according to its size

    • You can control it through optional parameters ex: SparkContext.textFile("file",numpartitions)

    • For distributed “reduce” operations, such as groupByKey and reduceByKey, it uses the largest parent RDD’s number of partitions.

  • spark.default.parallelism ⇒ recommend 2-3 tasks per CPU core in your cluster

  • repartion(num_partitions) and coalesce(num_partitions) ⇒ change number of partitions

Tuning parallelism level

  • a tasks should take at least 200 ms to execute (monitoring the task execution latency from the Spark UI!)

    • considerable longer tasks ⇒ increase the level of parallelism (until performance stops improving)

  • OutOfMemoryError? often one of the reduce tasks in groupByKey is too large (shuffles (sortByKey, groupByKey, reduceByKey, join, etc) build a hash table within each task to perform the grouping, which can often be large)⇒ increase the level of parallelism ⇒ smaller tasks



Number of shuffles

  • Shuffle ⇒ high CPU, network, IO cost

    • In general⇒ avoiding shuffle will make your program run faster

    • Exception: data arrives in a few large unsplittable files

      • large numbers of records in each partition

      • not enough partitions to take advantage of all the available cores

      • repartition with a high number of partitions (⇒shuffle) ⇒ leverage more of the cluster’s CPU.


  1. RDD execution review

  2. Best practices

  3. Dataframes & Dataset API

  4. Spark notebooks

  5. TP2 Data exploration with the Dataframe API


  • Most data is structured (JSON, CSV, Avro, Parquet, Hive …)

    • Programming RDDs inevitably ends up with a lot of tuples (_1, _2, …)

  • Functional transformations (e.g. map/reduce) are not as intuitive

val myRDD = sc.parallelize(persons)>(x.dept,(x.age,1)))


val myRDD = sc.parallelize(persons)>(x.dept,(x.age,1)))
 SELECT avg(age) FROM pdata
 GROUP BY dept;

RDD vs DataFrames

val myRDD = sc.parallelize(persons)>(x.dept,(x.age,1)))

Introducing DataFrames and SparkSQL

spark stack v2

Spark Dataframes

  • RDD with schema

    • Distributed collection of data grouped into named columns

  • Domain-specific functions designed for common tasks

    • Metadata

    • Relational data processing: project, filter, aggregation, join

Spark Dataframes Examples

// Create from RDD
val dfFromRDD = myRDD.df

// Create from JSON
val df ="examples/src/main/resources/people.json")

// Show the content of the DataFrame
// age  name
// 30   Andy
// 19   Justin

// Print the schema in a tree format
// root
// |-- age: long (nullable = true)
// |-- name: string (nullable = true)

Spark Dataframes : Column selection

// Select only the "name" column"name").show() // implicit conversion from string to Column
// name
// Michael
// Andy
// Justin

//Equivalent column selection"name")).show() // apply function on dataframe"name")).show() //using the col function"name")).show() //using the col method$"name").show // easy scala shorcut

Spark Dataframes: simple column computations

// Select everybody, but increment the age by 1"name"), df("age") + 1).show()
// name    (age + 1)
// Michael null
// Andy    31
// Justin  20

Spark Dataframes Filtering

// Select people older than 21
df.filter(df("age") > 21).show()
// age name
// 30  Andy

// Count people by age
// age  count
// null 1
// 19   1
// 30   1

Complex example

val accidents = usagers
    .filter($"grav" == 2 ) // on filtre les victimes
    .groupBy("Num_Acc") // on groupe sur l'id de l'accident
    .count() // on compte le nombre des victimes
    .sort(desc("count"))// on trie par le nombre des victimes
    .limit(3)// on garde uniquement les 3 accidents les plus meurtirers
    .join(caracteristiques, usagers("Num_acc")== caracteristiques("Num_Acc"))// on fait le jointure avec les caracteristiques
    .join(lieux, usagers("Num_acc")== lieux("Num_Acc"))// on fait le jointure avec les lieux
    .join(vehicules, usagers("Num_Acc")== vehicules("Num_Acc")) // on fait la jointure avec les vehicules
            caracteristiques("dep"), caracteristiques("atm"),
            $"nb_victimes") // on groupe sur les colonnes qui nous interessent
    .count().withColumnRenamed("count","nb_vehicules") // on compte le nombre des vehicules

Dataframe vs Datasets

unified api

Spark Datasets

  • type safe generalisation of Dataframes

  • all the methods available to Dataframes are the same

    • type Dataframe = Dataset[Row]

  • use native types instead of Row

Spark Dataset example

case class University(name: String, numStudents: Long, yearFounded: Long)

val schools ="/schools.json").as[University] => s"${} is ${2015 – s.yearFounded} years old")

SparkSQL/Dataframes execution model

dataframe execution

SparkSQL/Dataframe optimisations

SparkSQL/Dataframe optimisations

Serialization Deserialization Performance
Memory Usage when Caching Chart

SparkSQL/Dataframe performance

dataframe performance
Distributed Wordcount

SparkSQL vs Dataframe vs Datasets

unified api2

Frameless (BETA)

  • new Spark API, called TypedDataset

    • Typesafe columns referencing (no more runtime errors when accessing non-existing columns)

    • Customizable, typesafe encoders (if a type does not have an encoder, it should not compile)

    • Enhanced type signature for built-in functions (if you apply an arithmetic operation on a non-numeric column, you get a compilation error)

    • Typesafe casting and projections

Frameless (1)

import spark.implicits._

// Our example case class Foo acting here as a schema
case class Foo(i: Long, j: String)

// Assuming spark is loaded and SparkSession is bind to spark
val initialDs = spark.createDataset( Foo(1, "Q") :: Foo(10, "W") :: Foo(100, "E") :: Nil )

// Assuming you are on Linux or Mac OS

val ds ="/tmp/foo").as[Foo]
// ds: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Foo] = [i: bigint, j: string]

Frameless (2)
// +---+---+
// |  i|  j|
// +---+---+
// |  1|  Q|
// | 10|  W|
// |100|  E|
// +---+---+
//The value ds holds the content of the initialDs read from a parquet file. Let's try to only use field i from Foo and see how Spark's Catalyst (the query optimizer) optimizes this.

// Using a standard Spark TypedColumn in select()
val filteredDs = ds.filter($"i" === 10).select($"i".as[Long])
// filteredDs: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Long] = [i: bigint]
// +---+
// |  i|
// +---+
// | 10|
// +---+

Frameless (3)

// Using a standard Spark TypedColumn in select()
val filteredDs = ds.filter($"i" === 10).select($"i".as[Long])
// filteredDs: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Long] = [i: bigint]
// +---+
// |  i|
// +---+
// | 10|
// +---+

// == Physical Plan ==
// *Project [i#1771L]
// +- *Filter (isnotnull(i#1771L) && (i#1771L = 10))
//    +- *FileScan parquet [i#1771L] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/tmp/foo], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(i), EqualTo(i,10)], ReadSchema: struct<i:bigint>

Frameless (4)

//Unfortunately, this syntax is not bulletproof: it fails at run-time if we try to access a non existing column x:

scala> ds.filter($"i" === 10).select($"x".as[Long])
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '`x`' given input columns: [i, j];;
'Project ['x]
+- Filter (i#1771L = cast(10 as bigint))
   +- Relation[i#1771L,j#1772] parquet

Frameless (5)

//There are two things to improve:
// * we would want to avoid the as[Long] casting that we are required to type for type-safety.
// * we want a solution where reference to a non existing column name fails at compilation time

// Proposition

ds.filter(_.i == 10).map(_.i).show()
// +-----+
// |value|
// +-----+
// |   10|
// +-----+

// The two closures in filter and map are functions that operate on Foo and the compiler will helps us capture all the mistakes we mentioned above.
   //scala> ds.filter(_.i == 10).map(_.x).show()
   //<console>:20: error: value x is not a member of Foo
   //       ds.filter(_.i == 10).map(_.x).show()

Frameless (6)

// Unfortunately, this syntax does not allow Spark to optimize the code.

ds.filter(_.i == 10).map(_.i).explain()
// == Physical Plan ==
// *SerializeFromObject [input[0, bigint, false] AS value#1805L]
// +- *MapElements <function1>, obj#1804: bigint
//    +- *Filter <function1>.apply
//       +- *DeserializeToObject newInstance(class $line14.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$Foo), obj#1803: $line14.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$Foo
//          +- *FileScan parquet [i#1771L,j#1772] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/tmp/foo], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<i:bigint,j:string>

Frameless (7)

import frameless.TypedDataset
import frameless.syntax._

val fds = TypedDataset.create(ds)
// fds: frameless.TypedDataset[Foo] = [i: bigint, j: string]

fds.filter(fds('i) === 10).select(fds('i)).show().run()
// +---+
// | _1|
// +---+
// | 10|
// +---+

Frameless (8)

//And the optimized Physical Plan:

fds.filter(fds('i) === 10).select(fds('i)).explain()
// == Physical Plan ==
// *Project [i#1771L AS _1#1876L]
// +- *Filter (isnotnull(i#1771L) && (i#1771L = 10))
//    +- *FileScan parquet [i#1771L] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/tmp/foo], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(i), EqualTo(i,10)], ReadSchema: struct<i:bigint>

//And the compiler is our friend.
scala> fds.filter(fds('i) === 10).select(fds('x))
<console>:24: error: No column Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("x")] of type A in Foo
       fds.filter(fds('i) === 10).select(fds('x))


TP2 - Spark Dataframes et Datasets

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TP2 - Spark Dataframes et Datasets
